Solubility data for UO2(am) were determined in the aqueous K+-Na+-HCO3--CO3
2--OH--H2O system extending to high concentrations of carbonate, bicarbonat
e, and mixed carbonate-hydroxide. Several precautions were taken, including
the use of reductants (Fe powder and Na2S2O4), to maintain uranium in the
tetravalent state. A combination of techniques (UV-Vis-IR, X-ray absorption
spectroscopy [XAS], and solvent extraction) were used to identify species
and oxidation states in the solid and aqueous phases. The most important sp
ecies in CO32- and relatively concentrated HCO3- solutions was U(CO3)(5)(6-
), which was identified by W-Vis-IR and XAS techniques. The predicted minim
um set of dominant species that reasonably described all of the experimenta
l data were 1) U(CO3)(5)(6-) in low to high concentrations of carbonate and
hydroxide and in high concentrations of bicarbonate, and 2) U(OH)(2)(CO3)(
2)(2-) in low concentrations of bicarbonate. Because U(CO3)(5)(6-) is highl
y charged, the values of formation constants involving this species depend
on the choice of ion-interaction parameters. The values of beta((0)) and be
ta((1)), Fitter modeling parameters, for U(CO3)(5)(6-) with Na+ or K+ that
best described the experimental data were 1.5 and 31.3, respectively, and a
re similar to the recently determined values (beta((0)) = 1.31 and beta((1)
) = 30.0) for analogous Th(IV) species. The logarithm of the thermodynamic
equilibrium constant for the UO2(am) dissolution reaction (UO2(am) + 5CO(3)
(2-) + 4H(+) reversible arrow U(CO3)(5)(6-) + 2H(2)O) was found to be 33.8,
and for (UO2(am) + 2HCO(3)(-) reversible arrow U(OH)(2)(CO3)(2)(2-)). This
value was found to be -4.8. These values, when combined with the solubilit
y product of UO2(am) (log = -53.44), provided the following values of the l
ogarithm of the equilibrium constant: for (U4+ + 5CO(3)(2-) reversible arro
w U(CO3)(5)(6-)) the value was 31.29 and for (U4+ + 2CO(3)(2-) + 2OH(-) rev
ersible arrow U(OH)(2)(CO3)(2)(2-)) the value was 41.33.