Most idiopathic generalized epilepsies have an onset in childhood or adoles
cence, with a moderate second incidence peak in the presenium predominantly
in women. This study addressed the question of a later onset. The availabl
e Literature and the records of four personal data sets (two prospective in
cidence surveys of epileptic seizures, one prevalence study of epilepsy, an
d one clinical series of individuals with epilepsy) were screened for patie
nts who had experienced a first generalized convulsive seizure with bilater
al spike-wave complexes on EEG after 60 years of age. Reports of first idio
pathic generalized tonic-clonic seizures occurring after age 60 were extrem
ely rare and none was found in our four cohorts regardless of the methodolo
gy involved. Only five case reports were found, all involving a woman. Two
had a family history of seizure disorders and two had had at least one seiz
ure earlier in life. Idiopathic generalized epilepsy of late onset, if this
condition actually exists, is likely to be the consequence of a genetic pr
edisposition triggered by acquired epileptogenic factors.