The composition of the solar wind is largely determined by the composition
of the source material, i.e. the present-day composition of the outer conve
ctive zone. It is then modified by the processes which operate in the trans
ition region and in the inner corona. In situ measurements of the solar win
d composition give a unique opportunity to obtain information on the isotop
ic and elemental composition of the Sun. However, elemental - and to some d
egree also isotopic - fractionation can occur in the flow of matter from th
e outer convective zone into the interplanetary space. The most important e
xamples of elemental fractionation are the well-known FIP/FIT effect (First
Ionization Potential/Time) and the sometimes dramatic variations of the he
lium abundance relative to hydrogen in the solar wind. A thorough investiga
tion of fractionation processes which cause compositional variations in dif
ferent solar wind regimes is necessary to make inferences about the solar s
ource composition from solar wind observations. Our understanding of these
processes is presently improving thanks to the detailed diagnostics offered
by the optical instrumentation on SOHO. Correlated observations of particl
e instruments on Ulysses, WIND, and SOHO, together with optical observation
s will help to make inferences for the solar composition. Continuous in sit
u observations of several isotopic species with the particle instruments on
WIND and SOHO are currently incorporated into an experimental database to
infer isotopic fractionation processes which operate in different solar win
d regimes between the solar surface and the interplanetary medium.
Except for the relatively minor effects of secular gravitational sedimentat
ion which works at the boundary between the outer convective zone and the r
adiative zone, refractory elements such as Mg can be used as faithful witne
sses to monitor the magnitude of these processes. With theoretical consider
ations it is possible to make inferences about the importance of isotopic f
ractionation in the solar wind from a comparison of optical and in situ obs
ervations of elemental fractionation with the corresponding models.
Theoretical models and preliminary results from particle observations indic
ate that the combined isotope effects do not exceed a few percent per mass
unit. In the worst case, which concerns the astrophysically important He-3/
(4) He ratio, we expect an overall effect of at most several percent in the
sense of a systematic depletion of the heavier isotope. Continued observat
ions with WIND, SOHO, and ACE, and, with the revival of the foil technique,
with the upcoming Genesis mission will further consolidate our knowledge a
bout the relation between solar wind dynamics and solar wind composition.