HTLV-I infection is causally associated with a variety of human diseas
es including leukemia/lymphoma, myelopathy, uveitis, and arthropathy.
Tax protein of HTLV-I, which is considered oncogenic, binds to transcr
iption factors or other cytoplasmic cellular molecules involved in the
fundamental cell function and thereby induces cellular changes. The i
nteraction between HTLV-I-infected cells with dysregulated function an
d different kinds of cells in the host, such as lymphocytes and vascul
ar endothelial cells through viral peptides, antigen receptors, cell a
dhesion molecules, and cytokines, appears to be one of the basic mecha
nisms underlying the development of HTLV-I-associated diseases. This i
nteraction may play a major role in determining tumorigenicity and in
forming clinical features of the diseases. The in vivo cell proliferat
ion model of HTLV-I-infected cells using severe combined immunodeficie
nt (SCID) mice can differentiate tumorigenicity from cell immortalizat
ion in vitro. The OX40 and its ligand gp34, which are induced by HTLV-
I infection and directly mediate the adhesion between HTLV-I-infected
T cells and vascular endothelial cells, may be critically involved in
the localization and proliferation of HTLV-I-infected cells in vivo.