This paper deals with the improvement in modelling of the dynamics of activ
ated sludge wastewater treatment process using a distributed parameter appr
oach. A computational algorithm, based on the global orthogonal collocation
technique, for the activated sludge process is developed in this work. Ste
ady-state and dynamic simulations are performed based on this algorithm. Th
e system configuration considers backmixing or intermixing, which can repre
sent the actual process more accurately than the idealised flow schemes com
monly employed for the design and modelling of the activated sludge reactor
s. Based on a dispersed plug how model for activated sludge bioreactor form
ulated in this work, a Peclet number in the order of 0.5 to 5 and 5 to 7 in
ternal collocation-points are recommended for modelling channel-type activa
ted sludge bioreactor. The dynamics of substrate is predicted well whereas
the prediction for biomass is fair, when compared to the experimental data.
It is also demonstrated in this paper that the proposed algorithm can give
superior prediction of process dynamics than the commonly-used tanks-in-se
ries technique. Dynamic responses caused by disturbances in the influent wa
stewater which propagates at Various spatial positions along the bioreactor
can be correctly predicted through simulations. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved.