F. Eber et al., Spontaneous hybridisation between vegetable crops and weeds. 1: Garden radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.), AGRONOMIE, 18(7), 1998, pp. 489-497
In order to assess the risk of commercial Fl hybrid seed contamination due
to outcrossing on male sterile radish line pollinated by wild mustard, two
isolated field experiments were performed in the presence or absence of gar
den radish pollen. Additionally, spontaneous wild radish plants were observ
ed under 200 m away from both fields. Seeds were harvested on the female ra
dish line and sieved. Isozyme analyses combined with cytogenetical characte
risation revealed that morphological observations were not efficient enough
to distinguish the interspecific hybrids among the seedlings obtained. The
radish-wild mustard interspecific hybrid production was higher without tha
n with radish pollen competition: 42 and 3 interspecific hybrid seeds per 1
000 seeds were observed, respectively. Numerous cultivated-wild radish hyb
rids were observed from the two experiments without and with radish pollina
tor: 551 and 144 per 1 000 seeds, respectively. Sieving seems to be efficie
nt in preventing the commercialisation of cultivated radish-wild mustard hy
brids. (C) Inra/Elsevier, Paris.