This article assesses the psychosocial adjustment to illness and examines t
he relationship between adjustment and psychosocial and medical variables i
n 91 ambulatory HIV-infected patients. The 91 subjects were receiving ambul
atory medical care in hospitals (Memorial Hospital, New York Hospital, and
St. Vincent's Hospital) and in private medical consult (Gay Men's Health Cr
isis) in New York. The majority (74.5%) of subjects had AIDS. The sample wa
s composed principally of white Roman Catholic homosexual men living alone.
However, 49.5% were black or hispanic, 31.9% had intravenous drug use as t
heir HIV risk behavior, 54.9% had past psychiatric history (including illeg
al drug use), and 22% had previous suicide attempts. Self-report measures o
f psychological adjustment (Psychological Adjustment to Illness Scale), moo
d (Brief Symptom Inventory), physical (PHYS) and psychological (PSYCH) symp
toms from the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale-Short Form (MSAS-SF), socia
l support (Social Support Questionnaire-Short Report), suicidal ideation (S
cale for Suicide Ideation Self-Report), and measures of disease status (Kar
nofsky Performance Rating Scale, HIV CDC Classification, and Absolute CD4() Lymphocyte Count) were used in the study. The average age of subjects was
40 years (SD = 6.80). Fifty-two (63.4%) subjects acknowledged some indicat
ion of suicidal ideation. Variables that correlated with poor medical adjus
tment (health-care posture) were current suicide ideation (0.32, p = 0.003)
, number of psychological symptoms (0.45, p = 0.0001), physical symptoms (0
.31, p = 0.006), social support (-0.24, p = 0.03), and satisfaction with th
e social support received (-0.36, p = 0.001). Poor sexual adjustment was re
lated to current suicide ideation (0.39, p = 0.0004), number of psychologic
al symptoms (0.40, p = 0.0003), satisfaction with the social support receiv
ed (-0.28, p = 0.01), and number of physical symptoms (0.35, p = 0.002). In
patients with a diagnosis of AIDS, the number of psychological symptoms (B
eta = 0.29, R-2 = 0.07, p = 0.02) and the satisfaction with the social supp
ort received (Beta = -0.38, R-2 = 0.14, p = 0.003) were clear predictors of
poor medical adjustment (health-care posture). Likewise, the predictors of
poor sexual adjustment were psychological symptoms (Beta = 0.33, R-2 = 0.1
0, p = 0.003) and suicidal ideation (Beta = 0.40, R-2 = 0.10, p = 0.002). T
he results suggest that suicide ideation is associated with poor adjustment
, rather than serving as an adaptive function, as has been suggested by oth