Network structures promote cohesive social relations among some actors and
not others. Based on the theory of relational cohesion (Lawler and Yoon 199
6), we hypothesize that an emotional/affective process explains how and whe
n network structures produce such effects. The main ideas are: (I) If a net
work produces differential exchange frequencies among component dyads then,
ceterus paribus, that network will tend to produce different degrees of in
ternal cohesion within those dyads and will do so through the positive emot
ions or feelings generated by successful exchanges. (2) This effect should
be more evident in equal than in unequal-power relations, and it should be
weaker when network members share an overarching group identity We conduct
an experiment to test these hypotheses. The results indicate: Dyadic cohesi
on develops through an emotional/affective process in equal-power relations
, as hypothesized, but not in unequal-power relations; and an overarching g
roup identity reduces the degree that central actors exploit peripheral one
s but does not impact dyad-level cohesion. The larger implication is that i
n networks containing both equal and unequal-power relations, internal pock
ets of cohesion are more likely to emerge in the former because of the mild
, everyday positive feelings produced by successful exchanges.