Gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) is the designation used here to iden
tify the most common subset of gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumours specifi
c to those sites. These tumours have unique histological, imunophenotypic a
nd molecular genetic features that set them apart from typical smooth muscl
e tumours and schwannomas; however, by tradition, they have been classified
as GI-smooth muscle tumours, or stromal tumours/smooth muscle tumours. GIS
Ts occur predominantly in persons over 40 years of age with an equal sex in
cidence. Benign GISTs outnumber the malignant ones by a margin of 10:1. GIS
Ts occur throughout the gastrointestinal tract, but are most common in the
stomach (60-70%) and small intestine (30%). GISTs are rare in esophagus, co
lon and rectum. Histologically they may show a spindle cell or epithelioid
pattern (the former largely corresponds with the designation of cellular le
iomyoma and the latter with that of leiomyoblastoma). Immunohistochemically
most GISTs are positive for CD34 and c-kit protein (CD117); the latter is
quite specific for GISTs among mesenchymal tumours. Genetically GISTs commo
nly show DNA losses in the long arm of chromosome 14, and c-kit gene mutati
ons occur at least in some cases. c-kit is also expressed in the interstiti
al cells of Cajal, the gastrointestinal pacemaker cells, and relationship o
f GISTs to these cells has been proposed recently. GISTs differ histologica
lly, imunohistochemically and genetically from typical (esophageal) leiomyo
mas that are negative for c-kit and CD34 and neither show DNA-losses in 14q
nor c-kit mutations. Evaluation of malignancy of GISTs is based on mitotic
count, tumour size and extra-gastrointestinal spread. Tumours with mitotic
counts higher than 5/10 high power fields or larger than 10 cm have a sign
ificant risk for recurrence and metastasis and are considered histologicall
y malignant; however, some tumours with mitotic activity <1/10HPF may metas
tasize indicating some uncertainty in malignant potential of GISTs, especia
lly those larger than 5 cm.