The southern Washington, Oregon, and northern California coasts have long b
een peripheral to discussions of the development of Northwest Coast culture
s. This marginality is challenged by recent studies that examine the dynami
c cultures and environments of this area in relation to important research
issues applicable to a wide range of Pacific coast cultures. Here, we addre
ss three primary issues in the archaeology of the southern Northwest Coast:
(1) the antiquity of maritime adaptations; (2) the economic significance o
f sea mammal hunting; and (3) the nature and importance of fishing and weir
technologies, We conclude that the antiquity of widespread maritime adapta
tions in the area is unknown, that pinniped hunting is best understood as a
n integrated part of broader subsistence adaptations, that coastal fishing
was more diverse and eclectic than previously believed, and that the socioe
conomic complexity of some southern Northwest Coast cultures was greater th
an previous models have suggested.