Angular broadening of radiation due to scattering by density irregularities
is usually described using geometric optics (GO) or the parabolic wave equ
ation (PWE) with the assumptions that the radiation frequency f greatly exc
eeds the local plasma frequency f(p0) or that f(p0)/f is constant along the
path. These assumptions are inappropriate for many solar system radio phen
omena. Here the PWE and GO formalisms are extended to treat angular broaden
ing in plasmas with nonzero, spatially varying ratios, f(p0)(z)/f < 1. The
new PWE results show that the correlation function, scattered angular spect
rum, and other quantities are modified by inclusion of a denominator factor
[1 - f(p0)(2)(z')/f(2)] inside the path integral over z', while the mean-s
quare scattering angle [theta(2)] depends on both f(p0)(z)/f at the observe
r and the foregoing factor inside the path integral. The PWE and GO predict
ions for [theta(2)] are identical and involve equivalent assumptions. Previ
ous GO and PWE results are recovered in the limits that f(p0)(z')/f is cons
tant or zero. The new PWE and GO results will permit more accurate calculat
ion of angular broadening for solar system and astrophysical sources. Moreo
ver and importantly, due to the PWE and GO results for [theta(2)] being ide
ntical, previous GO analyses of [theta(2)] in solar system contexts are ess
entially correct, except for the neglect of or minor deficiencies in the tr
eatment of nonzero, spatially varying f(p0)/f effects. The identical GO and
PWE results for [theta(2)] and the form of the PWE equation for the correl
ation function raise questions as to whether diffraction is unimportant for
angular broadening (under the usual PWE conditions). Future direct compari
sons of the PWE predictions with angular spectra calculated using existing
GO ray-tracing codes should answer these questions. Diffraction effects are
probably important when the medium and turbulence are not sufficiently hom
ogeneous transverse to the central ray path. The implications are also disc
ussed for studies of the 2-3.5 kHz radiation observed in the outer heliosph