The solar evolution has been calculated including all the effects of the di
ffusion of helium and heavy elements. Monochromatic opacities are used to c
alculate radiative accelerations and Rosseland opacities at each evolution
time step, taking into account the local abundance changes of all important
(21) chemical elements. The OPAL monochromatic data are used for the opaci
ties and the radiative accelerations. The Opacity Project data are needed t
o calculate how chemical species and electrons share the momentum absorbed
from the radiation flux.
A detailed evaluation of the impact of atomic diffusion on solar models is
presented. On some elements thermal diffusion adds approximately 50% to the
gravitational settling velocity. While gravitational settling had been inc
luded in previous solar models, this is the first time that the impact of r
adiative accelerations is considered. Radiative accelerations can be up to
40% of gravity below the solar convection zone and thus affect chemical ele
ment diffusion significantly, contrary to current belief.
Up to the solar age, the abundances of most metals change by 7.5% if comple
te ionization is assumed, but by 8.5%-10% if detailed ionization of each sp
ecies is taken into account. If radiative accelerations are included, inter
mediate values are obtained. Diffusion leads to a change of up to 8% in the
Rosseland opacities, compared to those of the original mixture. Most of th
is effect can be taken into account by using tables with several values of
If one isolates the effects of radiative accelerations, the abundance chang
es they cause alter the Rosseland opacity by up to 0.5%; the density is aff
ected by up to 0.2%; the sound speed is affected by at most 0.06%. The incl
usion of radiative accelerations leads to a reduction of 3% of neutrino flu
xes measured with Cl-37 detectors and 1% measured with Ga-71 detectors.
The partial transformation of C and O into N by nuclear reactions in the co
re causes a similar to 1% change in the opacities that cannot be modeled by
a change in Z alone.
The evolution is allowed to proceed to 10(10) yr in order to determine the
impact at the end of the main-sequence life of solar-type stars. It is foun
d that immediately below the convection zone, the radiative acceleration on
some iron peak elements is within a few percent of gravity. The abundance
anomalies reach 18% for He in the convection zone but are kept within 12% a
nd 15% for most because of g(rad). They would have reached 18% in the absen
ce of g(rad).