Both lungs of a 5-wk-old broiler chicken contained miliary, round, white tu
mors. Microscopically, these masses were composed of compactly arranged cel
ls with round to oval nuclei and indistinct cytoplasmic borders. Immunohist
ochemically, tumor cells were positive for vimentin but negative for cytoke
ratin, S-100 protein, neuron-specific enolase, smooth muscle actin, and mus
cle-specific actin. Ultrastructurally, tumor cells were separated by collag
en bands and some contained collagen fibrils. These results suggest that th
e primitive mesenchymal cells composing these sarcomas may have originated
from precursors of interstitial cells or fibroblasts of the interparabronch
ial or interatrial septa.
DNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded tissues and probed for sequences s
pecific for Marek's disease virus, reticuloendotheliosis viruses, exogenous
avian leukosis viruses, and subgroup J avian leukosis viruses. Only sequen
ces specific for subgroup J avian leukosis viruses were identified in the D
NA extracted from tumors and surrounding lung.