About half the neurons in the brain die at the time when their connections
are being formed. This neuronal death is regulated by anterograde and retro
grade signals that reflect both electrical activity and the uptake of troph
ic factors. Our recent data on the isthmo-optic projection indicate that th
ere are in fact two different retrograde signals: a slow-acting survival si
gnal mediated by a neurotrophin, and a fast-acting death signal mediated by
calcium entry due to electrical activity in the presynaptic terminals. The
developmental roles of the cell death are not well understood, but they ap
pear to include the elimination of aberrant connections. The intracellular
mechanisms of the cell death may nor always correspond to the apoptotic one
s so thoroughly investigated in vitro, because only one of the three morpho
logical types occurring regularly in vivo resembles apoptosis. However, our
experiments on retinal ganglion cells indicate that several apoptotic mech
anisms apply in this particular in vivo situation: these include an involve
ment of oxygenated free radicals and glutathione, cell cycle-related events
, and probably the synthesis of proteins promoting neuroprotection or cell
death. (C) 1998 Elsevier, Paris.