A moderator type neutron dosemeter is described and its response to 'r
ealistic neutron fields' and fission sources is investigated, for irra
diations with and without a poly-methyl methacrylate (PMMA) phantom. C
hanges in response induced by the use of the moderator are observed th
roughout the experiments, with respect to the energy distribution of t
he neutron fluence and the dose equivalent. The experimental dosemeter
shows an over-response to thermal neutrons and for on phantom irradia
tions, and a low sensitivity for fast neutrons. Compared to a classica
l neutron dosemeter based on silicon diodes (without moderator), the a
ctual design shows, for the same active area of the silicon detector,
a sensitivity (counts per mSv) from 10 to 40 times higher for 'realist
ic neutron fields'.