Dl. Schwartz et Jl. Moore, On the role of mathematics in explaining the material world: Mental modelsfor proportional reasoning, COGN SCI, 22(4), 1998, pp. 471-516
Contemporary psychological research that studies how people apply mathemati
cs has largely viewed mathematics as a computational tool for deriving an a
nswer. The tacit assumption has been that people first understand a situati
on, and then choose which computations to apply. We examine an alternative
assumption that mathematics can also serve as a tool that helps one to cons
truct an understanding of a situation in the first place. Three studies wer
e conducted with 6th-grade children in the context of proportional situatio
ns because early proportional reasoning is a premier example of where mathe
matics may provide new understanding of the world. The children predicted w
hether two differently-sized glasses of orange juice would taste the same w
hen they were filled from a single carton of juice made from concentrate an
d water. To examine the relative contributions and interactions of situatio
nal and mathematical knowledge, we manipulated the formal features of the p
roblem display (e.g., diagram vs. photograph) and the numerical complexity
(e.g., divisibility) of the containers and the ingredient ratios. When the
problem was presented as a diagram with complex numbers, or "realistically"
with easy numbers, the children predicted the glasses would taste differen
t because one glass had more juice than the other. But, when the problem wa
s presented realistically with complex numbers, the children predicted the
glasses would taste the same on the basis of empirical knowledge (e.g., "Ju
ice can't change by itself"). And finally, when the problem was presented a
s a diagram with easy numbers, the children predicted the glasses would tas
te the same on the basis of proportional relations. These complex interacti
ons illuminate how mathematical and empirical knowledge can jointly constra
in the construction of a new understanding of the world. We propose that ma
thematics helped in the case of successful proportional reasoning because i
t made a complex empirical situation cognitively tractable, and thereby hel
ped the children construct mental models of that situation. We sketch one a
spect of the mental models that are constructed in the domain of quantity-a
preference for specificity-that helps explain the current findings.