DNA analysis is making a valuable contribution to the understanding of huma
n evolution [1]. Much attention has focused on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) [2
] and the Y chromosome [3,4], both of which escape recombination and so pro
vide information on maternal and paternal lineages, respectively. It is oft
en assumed that the polymorphisms observed at loci on mtDNA and the Y chrom
osome are selectively neutral and, therefore, that existing patterns of mol
ecular variation can be used to deduce the histories of populations in term
s of drift, population movements, and cultural practices. The coalescence o
f the molecular phylogenies of mtDNA and the Y chromosome to recent common
ancestors in Africa [5,6], for example, has been taken to reflect a recent
origin of modern human populations in Africa. An alternative explanation, t
hough, could be the recent selective spread of mtDNA and Y chromosome haplo
types from Africa in a population with a more complex history [7]. It is th
erefore important to establish whether there are selective differences betw
een classes (haplotypes) of mtDNA and Y chromosomes and, if so, whether the
se differences could have been sufficient to influence the distributions of
haplotypes in existing populations. A precedent for this hypothesis has be
en established for mtDNA in that one mtDNA background increases susceptibil
ity to Leber hereditary optic neuropathy [8]. Although studies of nucleotid
e diversity in global samples of Y chromosomes have suggested an absence of
recent selective sweeps or bottlenecks [9], selection may, in principle, b
e very important for the Y chromosome because it carries several loci affec
ting male fertility [10,11] and as many as 5% of males are infertile [11,12
]. Here, we show that one class of infertile males, PRKX/PRKY translocation
XX males, arises predominantly on a particular Y haplotypic background. Se
lection is, therefore, acting on Y haplotype distributions in the populatio