For the past 50 years, psychologists have wrestled with questions regarding
the relationship between conscious awareness and human conditioned behavio
r. A recent proposal that the hippocampus mediates awareness during trace c
onditioning (Clark, Squire, Science 1998;280:77-81) has extended the awaren
ess-conditioning debate to the neuroscience arena. In the following comment
ary, we raise specific theoretical and methodological issues regarding the
Clark and Squire study and place their finding into a broader context. Thro
ughout our discussion, we consider the difficulties in assessing subjective
awareness, the importance of establishing necessary and sufficient conditi
ons for cognitive mediation effects, the influence of conditioned response
modality, and the nature of hippocampal requirements across conditioning pr
otocols. It is clear that trace eyeblink conditioning is a hippocampal-depe
ndent task, but whether awareness is a necessary component of trace conditi
oning is not definitively proven. We propose that future functional neuroim
aging studies and behavioral experiments using on-line measures of awarenes
s may help clarify the relationship among classical conditioning, awareness
, and the hippocampus. Hippocampus 1998;8:620-626. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc