In this paper, we describe the architecture of an HDTV video decoder, Vince
nt5, for MPEG2 MP@HL video decoding and format conversion of all 18 ATSC DT
V formats in real-time. Vincent5 adopts a dataflow architecture for its mai
n decoding functions in contrast to the conventional decoders that use a st
rict pipelined structure for them. Consequently this makes it possible for
us to explore wide design choices in the architecture decision for each dec
oding function. In Vincent5 we introduce a new memory control scheme of red
ucing the memory bandwidth, which is necessary in MPEG2 MP@HL decoding for
a cost-effective solution. Without increasing the hardware complexity of Vi
ncent5, we embed three programmable cores into the dedicated hardware to ma
ximize its programmability. Vincent5 was described using the VHDL and its f
unctionality was verified with standard MPEG2 bitstreams. Vincent5 includes
115K logic gates, 118Kb RAM, and 32Kb ROM after logic synthesis and had be
en fabricated utilizing 3ML 0.5um CMOS technology.