Two examples of glomus tumors of the cervix that were incidental findings i
n patients with uterine leiomyomas are described. The first occurred in a 5
2-year-old woman with two small, uterine leiomyomas and an endometrial poly
p. The second occurred in a 39-year-old woman with a large uterine leiomyom
a. The glomus tumors were located deep in the cervical stroma and were 0.8
and 0.4 cm in maximal dimension, respectively. The tumors were composed of
nests or trabeculae of small cells with round or ovoid hyperchromatic nucle
i and eosinophilic or clear cytoplasm. The cells closely surrounded slitlik
e capillaries and were immunoreactive for smooth muscle actin and muscle sp
ecific actin. To our knowledge, no similar tumors have been reported in the