Myocardial hypoxia and ischemia are characterized by the depletion of ATP a
nd the development of intracellular acidosis, which alter cellular ionic ho
meostasis. Specifically, elevated cytosolic free Ca++ concentrations cause
cellular injury during hypoxia/ischemia and lead to irreversible myocardial
dam-. age during reoxygenation/reperfusion. An increase in the intracellul
ar Naf concentration has been shown to correlate with Ca++ overload. Althou
gh inhibition of Na+/K+ exchange because of decreased ATP production may be
involved, it is more likely that intracellular acidosis drives Na+ into th
e cells via Na+/H+ exchange. Experimental evidence supports the notion that
Na+/H+ exchange is primarily responsible for Na+ influx during hypoxia/isc
hemia. The accumulation of intracellular Na+ may then activate the Na+/Ca+ exchanger causing Ca++ overload. Therefore, the Na+/Ca++ exchanger plays a
crucial role in cellular injury during hypoxia/ischemia and in cell death
during reoxygenation/reperfusion. In the past few years, the Na+/Ca++ excha
nger has been cloned and the structure/function relationship studied intens
ively. Agents which inhibit the Na+/Ca++ exchanger may have therapeutic pot
ential for the treatment of ischemic heart disease. These advances will gre
atly accelerate the understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms
underlying the role of the Na+/Ca++ exchanger in the development of myocard
ial damage during hypoxia/ischemia and reoxygenation/reperfusion.