To elucidate the structural requirement of human leptin for its functions,
the mild-type, mutant type, C-terminal deletion, and N-terminal deletion we
re expressed in Escherichia coil and purified in soluble forms. These lepti
n analogs were intracerebroventrically injected into C57BL/6J ob/ob mice, a
nd their in vivo biological activities were evaluated. The mutant-type lept
in lacking a C-terminal disulfide bond reduced food intake at doses of more
than 15 pmol/mouse, which was as effective as the wild-type leptin, C-term
inal deletion without the loop structure, also significantly, but to a less
er extent, reduced food intake at doses of more than 90 pmol/mouse. However
, N-terminal deletions showed no effect on food intake. We also evaluated t
he effects of the leptin analogs on radiolabeled leptin binding to its rece
ptor in the choroid plexus using autoradiography. An excess of unlabeled mu
tant-type leptin as well as wildtype leptin led to complete inhibition of b
inding. C-terminal deletions led to weak inhibitory activity, whereas N-ter
minal deletions caused no inhibitory activity.
These results clearly demonstrate that the N-terminal region of leptin is e
ssential for both its biological and receptor binding activities. The amino
acid sequence of the C-terminal loop structure is also important for enhan
cing these actions, whereas the C-terminal disulfide bond is not needed.