Tropical calcific pancreatitis is a special type of chronic pancreatitis th
at has features quite different from those of alcoholic pancreatitis and is
seen almost exclusively in tropical countries. It is characterized by recu
rrent severe pain in the abdomen, insulin-requiring but ketosis-resistant d
iabetes and large pancreatic calculi in malnourished male adolescents. The
clinical course of tropical calcific pancreatitis is protracted with malnut
rition, recurrent infections and poorly controlled diabetes. Pancreatic can
cer may complicate the natural course in up to 10% of cases. However, in th
e community a much milder form of the disease occurs with a female preponde
rance and a prevalence of 0.13% or one in 793. Malnutrition with deficiency
of proteins and micronutrients with antioxidant properties and food-based
toxins, such as cassava, which contain cyanogenic glycosides have been susp
ected as possible aetiological factors. Impaired immune response, a presume
d infection (possibly viral) and genetic susceptibility are some of the oth
er factors suspected in the aetiopathogenesis of this disease. Besides cont
rolling diabetes with insulin, relief from pain is obtained by the administ
ration of analgesics and pancreatic enzymes and, in severe cases, by perfor
ming endoscopic or surgical decompression of dilated pancreatic ducts with
removal of pancreatic calculi.