The Pegasus breakup is characterized by distributions of the orbital parame
ters and radar cross section of the pieces. The accuracy of the Simplified
General Perturbations 4 (SGP4) element sets for the Pegasus breakup has bee
n examined using the Space Surveillance Performance Analysis Tool. A graph
of the average error growth rate (EGR) of the Pegasus breakup element sets
over time shows pronounced spikes on certain days. Comparing graphs of EGR
versus BSTAR (the term in SGP4 that accounts for unmodeled in-track forces,
including drag) for all the Pegasus breakup pieces on a day when the avera
ge EGR is low and a day when the average is high shows that the element set
s with large BSTAR values are susceptible to large variations in EGR. A gra
ph of the average EGR and daily maximum planetary geomagnetic index A, over
times shows that the spikes in EGR are associated with geomagnetic storms.
To reduce the size of the spikes in EGR, the length of update interval (LU
PI) for the batch differential corrections of the element sets was shortene
d. To support catalog maintenance of the Pegasus breakup pieces with shorte
r LUPIs, additional sensors were tasked for observations.