Analyzing and modeling uncertainty have become a major focus of interest in
construction engineering and management. The various approaches considered
in the past have included probabilistic methods and fuzzy set theory. Howe
ver, none of these methods incorporate human judgment in making decisions u
nder uncertainty. This paper presents an approach to analyzing and modeling
uncertainty based on a theory of human judgment, termed Social Judgment Th
eory (SJT). SJT involves the development of a mathematical model of the jud
gment process of individuals. SJT is readily understood and accepted by hum
an judgment theorists and has been applied in a variety of disciplines that
involve decision making. The paper describes the basics of SJT and further
utilizes it to model the decision making process of human project experts
under uncertain situations. Techniques used to improve human judgment throu
gh the use of cognitive feedback until an optimal model is developed are de
scribed. The paper then demonstrates how SJT is applied to predict the expe
cted quantity variance of construction projects under uncertainty based on
the judgment of construction experts.