The objectives of this study were to assess whether chemical cleavage of be
ta-lactoglobulin (beta-Lg) by hydroxylamine would result in a high yield of
homogeneous, easily purifiable fragments, which could subsequently be used
in structure-functionality studies. Cleavage was performed at 2 temperatur
es and in the presence and absence of guanidine-HCl, and selected hydrolysi
s products were isolated and characterized. beta-Lg was primarily cleaved a
t Asn-Gly,as expected, into 2 fragments of 7 and 11 kDa, respectively. Addi
tional cleavage at other Asn-X bonds also occurred. The 2 major fragments b
ath contained some heterogeneity due to modification by hydroxylation and/o
r cleavage at other Asn-X bonds.