The disposable soma theory on the evolution of ageing states that longevity
requires investments in somatic maintenance that reduce the resources avai
lable for reproduction(1,2), Experiments in Drosophila melanogaster indicat
e that trade-offs of this kind exist in non-human species(3-7). We have det
ermined the interrelationship between longevity and reproductive success in
Homo sapiens using a historical data set from the British aristocracy. The
number of progeny was small when women died at an early age, increased wit
h the age of death, reaching a plateau through the sixth, seventh and eight
h decades of life, but decreased again in women who died at an age of 80 ye
ars or over. Age at first childbirth was lowest in women who died early and
highest for women who died at the oldest ages. When account was taken only
of women who had reached menopause, who were aged 60 years and over, femal
e longevity was negatively correlated with number of progeny and positively
correlated with age at first childbirth. The findings show that human life
histories involve a trade-off between longevity and reproduction.