We analyze shallow-water surface wave data from the Adriatic Sea using a no
nlinear generalization of Fourier analysis based upon the periodic inverse
scattering transform in the theta-function representation for the Korteweg-
de Vries (KdV) equation. While linear Fourier analysis superposes sine wave
s, the nonlinear Fourier approach superposes cnoidal waves (the travelling
wave solution to KdV) plus their mutual, nonlinear interactions. A new proc
edure is presented for the nonlinear low-pass and band-pass filtering of me
asured wave trains. We apply the approach to a measured time series and dis
cuss the dynamics of solitons and the physics of the nonlinear interactions
in terms of global, spatio-temporal phase shifts amongst the cnoidal waves
. Copyright (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.