During the recent past it has been discussed that calcium antagonists may e
xert antiatherosclerotic actions at the vessel wall. Apolipoprotein B conta
ining lipoproteins were isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography and radio
labeled with 123-iodine. The effect of 2 x 2.5 mg isradipine on the low den
sity lipoproteins (LDL) entry into the carotid and femoral arteries of 12 h
ypertensive patients with primary hyperlipoproteinemia (total cholesterol >
6.5 mmol/l [250 mg/dL) was examined. Cholesterol -1.7% (P< 0.05 664), high
density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol +4.5% (P< 0.01 123), and LDL choleste
rol -1% (P< 0.01 563) did not change, nor did any of the safety parameters.
The types of entry kinetics reflecting vascular surface lining did not cha
nge while the LDL retention 20 h after tracer application was depressed by
up to 23.5%. The data were comparable in the carotid and femoral artery seg
ments, the significance level ranging up to 0.0009. These results indicate
a decreased LDL retention in the arterial wall of hypertensive patients ind
uced by isradipine. The clinical implications of the findings ought to be p
ursued in properly designed clinical trials.