Small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences were obtained by polymerase chain rea
ction from four trichomonad species: a frog endosymbiont Trichomitus batrac
horum, an intestinal endosymbiont of a squamate reptile, Hypotrichomonas ac
osta and two free-living isolates, Monotrichomonas carabina and Monotrichom
onas sp. Molecular trees inferred by distance, parsimony and likelihood tec
hniques identify three well-resolved clusters within the trichomonads, howe
ver bootstrap values do not strongly support a particular branching order f
or these lineages, The first cluster includes the Devescovinidae and the Ca
lonymphidae. The second clade unites Trichomitus batrachorum and Hypotricho
monas acosta. The third cluster embraces all known free-living genera, incl
uding Monotrichomonas, and various members of the Trichomonadinae subfamily
such as Trichomonas vaginalis, and Pentatrichomonoides scroa, Neither Mono
cercomonadidae nor the Trichomonadidae as envisaged are monophyletic. Most
of the monocercomonads, which possess a rudimentary cytoskeleton, were like
ly descendants of more complex forms. The study also suggests that the genu
s Trichomitus is currently polyphyletic, partly explaining the discordant p
ositions of this genus in previous molecular analyses.