A questionnaire was sent to all the Deaf Schools in the U.S. including Stat
e Deaf Schools, Private Deaf Schools, and Public Schools that were listed a
s having a program specifically for students who are deaf Ninety-two questi
onnaires were mailed and 76 were returned for a response rate of 83%, The q
uestionnaire elicited information regarding current practices in sexuality
education including materials used, mode of communication, media materials
utilized, topics covered, and the instructor's perception of the quality of
materials being used. Results indicate that teachers are spending more tha
n 2 hours per week modifying materials for their sexuality curriculum. Most
of the respondents Expressed concerns about obtaining materials that are a
ccessible and appropriate for students who are deaf developing an overall c
urriculum, obtaining materials for students who have multiple disabilities,
and obtaining materials that do not require modification before they are u
sed with students who are deaf.