Phase equilibria at 1073 K, 1173 K, and 1273 K in the Fe-Cu portion of the
Fe-Cu-Al system were determined by a diffusion couple technique, metallogra
phy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is shown that there is
a miscibility gap of the bcc phase which is divided into A2 + A2, A2 + B2 a
nd B2 + B2 two-phase regions. Based on the experimental data of phase equil
ibria of the present as well as of previous studies, a thermodynamic assess
ment of phase equilibria was made, in which the order-disorder transition o
f the bcc phase is taken into account. The thermodynamic parameters of fee,
bcc, and liquid phases were evaluated to describe the Gibbs energy of each
phase leading to a better fit between calculations and experimental findin
gs above 1073 K.