Is hysteroscopic surgery really the cheapest surgical tool for gynecologists? A costs analysis study to calculate all costs of the different surgicaltreatments for dysfunctional bleedings with or without intracavital pathology

Mph. Vleugels et al., Is hysteroscopic surgery really the cheapest surgical tool for gynecologists? A costs analysis study to calculate all costs of the different surgicaltreatments for dysfunctional bleedings with or without intracavital pathology, 7TH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR GYNAECOLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY, 1998, pp. 67-71
Categorie Soggetti
Current Book Contents
Year of publication
67 - 71
SICI code
In this study an financial analysis model has been developed which can be u sed in every hospital to calculate the costs of hysteroscopic surgery. All costs of the different surgical procedures treating menorraghia or metrorra ghia have been compared to each other The hysteroscopic approach with the n ewly developed technics proved to be the cheepest treatment.