Neocytolysis is a recently described physiological process affecting the se
lective hemolysis of young red blood cells in circumstances of plethora, Er
ythropoietin (EPO) depression appears to initiate the process, providing th
e rationale to investigate its contributions to the anemia of renal disease
. When EPO therapy was withheld, four of five stable hemodialysis patients
showed chromium 51 (Cr-51) -red cell survival patterns indicative of neocyt
olysis; red cell survival was short in the first 9 days, then normalized, T
wo of these four patients received oral C-13-glycine and N-15-glycine, and
there was a suggestion of pathological isotope enrichment of stool porphyri
ns when EPO therapy was held, again supporting selective hemolysis of newly
released red cells that take up the isotope (one patient had chronic hemol
ysis indicated by isotope studies of blood and stool), Thus, neocytolysis c
an contribute to the anemia of renal disease and explain some unresolved is
sues about such anemia, One implication is the prediction that intravenous
bolus EPO therapy is metabolically and economically inefficient compared wi
th lower doses administered more frequently subcutaneously. (C) 1999 by the
National Kidney Foundation, Inc.