Background: Patients on chronic anticonvulsant drugs are relatively resista
nt to certain nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers such as pancuronium, v
ecuronium, pipecuronium, doxacurium, or metocurine, but not resistant to mi
vacurium and atracurium, This study investigated the influence of chronic c
arbamazepine therapy on the neuromuscular block induced by the new muscle r
elaxant rocuronium.
Methods: Twenty-two otherwise healthy individuals scheduled for neurosurgic
al operations were studied: 11 of them were on chronic treatment with carba
mazepine; the others served as control subjects. The median duration of car
bamazepine therapy was 9 weeks (range, 4-312 weeks). After premedication wi
th Oral diazepam, anesthesia was induced with fentanyl and thiopental and m
aintained with nitrous oxide/oxygen and 0.5% inspired isoflurane. Rocuroniu
m, 0.6 mg/kg (2 x ED95), was given for intubation. The ulnar nerve was stim
ulated, and the evoked electromyogram recorded using a Datex NMT monitor.
Results: Based on the response to the first of four stimuli, neither the la
g time nor the onset-time differed between the two groups, However, the int
ervals of recovery to 10%, 25%, 50%, and 75% of the baseline response and t
he recovery index (RI, 25%-75%) were significantly shorter in patients on c
hronic carbamazepine therapy.
Conclusions: The authors conclude that the duration of the rocuronium-induc
ed neuromuscular block is significantly shortened by preceding chronic carb
amazepine therapy.