Study objective: To provide information, which can be used in the formation
of guidelines concerning medical facilities and staff on cruise ships, on
the descriptive epidemiology of the medical conditions encountered by cruis
e ship physicians.
Methods: A retrospective descriptive epidemiologic study design was used to
evaluate patient physician encounters on cruises originating in a calendar
-year period far the 4 ships of a major cruise ship line with cruises origi
nating in the United States. Demographic data regarding sex and age of the
passengers on these ships were available for each cruise. We collected info
rmation on patient age, sex, chief complaint, diagnoses, treatment, and pat
ient disposition recorded in the patients' medical records in the ships' me
dical logs.
Results: Seven thousand one hundred forty-seven new patient visits occurred
in a population of 196,171 passengers and 1,537,298 passenger days; 56.7%
of passengers were female, and 60.7% of patients were female; 43.3% of pass
engers and 39.6% of patients were male. Visits to the ship infirmaries were
made for the following reasons: 18.2% of visits were related to injuries,
69.3% were related to medical conditions, and 12.5% were unspecified or oth
er conditions. The most common diagnosis was respiratory tract infection (2
9.1%); 11% of patients had a serious or potentially life-threatening diagno
sis. The most common group of prescription medications prescribed was antib
Conclusion: Many different injuries and illnesses occur on board cruise shi
ps. The spectrum is similar in many respects to the patients presenting to
emergency departments. Cruise lines must prepare for the initial treatment
and stabilization of patients with serious illnesses or injuries with appro
priately qualified and equipped medical personnel and establish procedures
for disembarkation of patients to facilities capable of handling such condi