Palaeogeothermal data from the Th (o) over cap nex well near Geneva indicat
e that 2000 m of sediment overburden of Upper Oligocene and Miocene age hav
e been eroded since Late Miocene, and mainly during the Quaternary, in the
Geneva basin. The next younger marker of a palaeotopography are interglacia
l sediments near Palezieux, indicating the presence of a lake at 800 m alti
tude during the Middle Pleistocene, 730'000 years ago. During the Late Plei
stocene, the bedrock/sediment interface, glacial and interglacial deposits
show evidence that the Geneva lake basin is getting narrower and deeper dur
ing major glacial advances. The sediment fill of the lake stems mainly from
the last glacial cycle and melt down starting 18'000 B.P.