Objectives. 1) Determine strengths and weaknesses of the Arthritis Self-Man
agement Program (ASMP). 2) Compare 3- and 6-week ASMP. 3) Evaluate 1.5-hour
arthritis program.
Methods, Study 1: Qualitative methods incorporating incomplete block design
. Study 1: Comparison of 3- and 6-week outcomes. Study 3: Pretest/positest
Results, Study 1: Pain management, exercise, and sharing ranked as the most
useful aspects of the ASMP. Nutrition, medications, and making decisions a
bout nontraditional treatments ranked least useful. Study : Six-week ASMP s
ubjects improved pain, health distress, illness impact, exercise, cognitive
pain management, self-efficacy, and reduced visits to physicians (P < 0.05
), Three-week subjects improved health distress, cognitive pain management
and self-efficacy (P < 0.05). Study 3: Improved knowledge, self-efficacy an
d pain (P < 0.05).
Conclusions. The traditional Greek ASMP is mor effective than a 3-week vers
ion. A 1.5-hour community program is effective in increasing knowledge, sel
f-efficacy, and contact with the Arthritis Foundation.