A Bayesian variable selection method for censored data is proposed in this
paper. Based on the sufficiency and asymptotic normality of the maximum par
tial likelihood estimator, we approximate the posterior distribution of the
parameters in a proportional hazards model. We consider a parsimonious mod
el as the full model with some covariates unobserved and replaced by their
conditional expected values. A loss function based on the posterior expecte
d estimation error of the log-risk for the proportional hazards model is us
ed to select a parsimonious model. We derive computational expressions for
this loss function for both continuous and binary covariates. This approach
provides an extension of Lindley's (1968, Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, Series B 30, 31-66) variable selection criterion for the linear c
ase. Data from a randomized clinical trial of patients with primary biliary
cirrhosis of the liver (PBC) (Fleming and Harrington, 1991, Counting Proce
sses and Survival Analysis) is used to illustrate the proposed method and a
simulation study compares it with the backward elimination procedure.