This study examined the parental correlates of child attachment in a presch
ool-aged, economically disadvantaged, urban, African American sample. Sixty
-nine 4- to 5-year-olds and their primary caregivers participated in the St
range Situation assessment procedure. Based on Cassidy and Marvin's classif
ication system for pre-schoolers, 61% of the children were classified as se
curely attached, with girls being significantly more likely to be securely
attached than boys (74% versus 45%). The majority of the insecure attachmen
ts were of the avoidant variety. Consistent with attachment theory, parents
of securely attached children were rated as significantly more warm and ac
cepting and less controlling with their children than were parents of insec
urely attached preschoolers. Relative to parents of securely attached presc
hoolers, parents of children judged to be insecurely attached reported bein
g more likely to use corporal punishment and less Likely to use verbal remi
nders when their children misbehaved. Parenting was associated with attachm
ent over and above the effects of child sex.