Sampling differences and other sources of measurement error result in varia
tion between normative data sets reported for the same test; however, no re
search has examined the degree to which classification of a specific score
may be affected by discrepancies across norms. The present study applies di
fferent sets of published normative data to test protocols of 12 men and wo
men of various ages and levels of education. The tests included in the fict
itious assessment battery are used routinely by neuropsychologists accordin
g to Butler, Retzlaff, and Vanderploeg (1991) and have at least two sets of
published norms. Our findings indicate that interpretation of performance
on neuropsychological tests is frequently and dramatically affected by samp
ling differences across normative data sets. Suggestions for the selection
of normative data sets for clinical assessments and the development of comp
rehensive normative data sets are offered.