The method of paired comparison is modified to allow choices between two al
ternative gains so as to estimate willingness to accept (NTA) without loss
aversion. The robustness of WTA values for two public goods is tested with
respect to sensitivity of the WTA measure to the context of the bundle of g
oods used in the paired comparison exercise and to the scope (scale) of the
public good project. There was no statistical difference in WTA measures f
or open space based on independent treatments with different contexts. One
treatment involved valuing open space within a set of goods with similar va
lue. The other treatment involved valuing open space within a choice set of
goods which had lower dollar values than open space. There was a statistic
al difference in WTA between a permanent expansion in the bus system and a
temporary expansion in the bus system. We conclude the method of paired com
parison appears to be a very promising approach to elicit measures of WTA.