Photoionization of rare gas clusters in the innervalence shell region has b
een investigated using threshold photoelectron and photoion spectrometers a
nd synchrotron radiation. Two classes of states are found to play an import
ant role: (A) valence states, correlated to dissociation limits involving a
n ion with a hole in its innervalence ns shell, (B) Rydberg states correlat
ed to dissociation limits involving an ion with a hole in its outervalence
np shell plus an excited neutral atom. In dimers, class A states are "brigh
t", that is, accessible by photoionization, and serve as an entrance step t
o form the class B "dark" states; this character fades as the size of the c
luster increases. In the dimer, the "Mulliken" E (2)Sigma(+) valence state
is found to present a shallow potential well housing a few vibrational leve
ls; it is predissociated by the class B Rydberg states. During the predisso
ciation a remarkable energy transfer process is observed from the excited i
on that loses its innershell electron to its neutral partner.