The description of neutron-deuteron elastic scattering is based on a couple
d-channel two-baryon interaction that allows for virtual excitation of a nu
cleon to a Delta-isobar. This gives rise to an effective three-nucleon forc
e in three-nucleon systems. The three-particle scattering equations are sol
ved by employing a separable expansion of the two-baryon transition matrix.
The Coulomb interaction is not included. Spin-averaged and spin-dependent
observables of elastic neutron-deuteron scattering are calculated and compa
red with experimental data. The calculated results refer to neutron lab ene
rgies between 0 and 70 MeV. Some long-standing discrepancies in low-energy
spin observables between theoretical predictions and experimental data cann
ot be removed by the considered Delta-isobar effects.