Possible exchanges of elements between bone and the surrounding soil after
being embedded underground for 2 years were estimated. Bone pieces were sam
pled from human vertebrae without any treatments after resection. Sixteen e
lements were determined by atomic emission mass spectrometry. These were di
vided into three types; Type I, an in-flow in which elements increased, as
in Fe, Al and Ba; type II, a balanced decrease in which changes were found
in S, Mg and Zn; and type III, an out-flow in which elements, such as Ca an
d P, entered into bones from embedded soils. These exchanges depended on th
e varying nature of soils and also on the time underground. The exchanges w
ere progressed in duration of the time after burial. Data obtained are poss
ible references to judge the time-lapse after burial of bones in relating t
o characters of soils embedded, and to identify proper bone elements from c
ontainment elements. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights rese