It is generally accepted that solutions of so called "free" Maxwell equatio
ns for rho = 0 (null charge density at every point of the whole space) desc
ribe a free electromagnetic field far which flux lines neither begin nor en
d in a charge). In order to avoid ambiguities and unacceptable approximatio
n which have place in the conventional approach in respect to the free fiel
d concept, we explicitly consider three possible types of space regions: (i
) "isolated charge-free" region, where a resultant electric field with the
flux lines which either begin or end in a charge is zero in every point, fo
r example, inside a hollow conductor of any shape or in a free-charge unive
rse; (ii) "non-isolated charge-free" region, where this electric [see (i)]
field ice not zero in every point; and (iii) "charge-neutral" region, where
point charges exist but their algebraic sum is zero. According to these de
finitions a strict mathematical interpretation of Maxwell's equations gives
following conclusions: (1) In "isolated charge-free" regions electric free
field cannot be unconditionally understood neither as a direct consequence
of Maxwell's equations nor as a valid approximation: it may be introduced
only as a postulate; nevertheless, this case is compatible is the existence
of a time-independent background magnetic field. (2) In both "charge-neutr
al" and "non-isolated charge-free regions, where the condition rho = delta
function or rho = 0 respectively holds, Maxwell's equation for the total el
ectric field have non-zero solutions, as in the conventional approach. Howe
ver, these solution cannot be strictly identified with the electric free fi
eld. This analysis gives rise to the reconsideration of the free-electromag
netic field concept and leads to the simplest implications in respect to ch
arge-neutral universe.