Na. Fonsova et al., REPRODUCTION OF TIME INTERVALS AND THE IN DIVIDUAL EEG STRUCTURE IN HUMANS, Zurnal vyssej nervnoj deatelnosti im. I.P. Pavlova, 47(1), 1997, pp. 3-10
The perception of time by humans was studied by the method of time rep
roduction. The EEG was recorded in Os, Od, Cs, Cd, Fs and Fd derivatio
ns. The relative EEG spectral power was determined in the delta-1, del
ta-2, theta, alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 ranges. All the subjects were d
ivided in two groups: I - those who reproduced time intervals with a d
elay, and II - those who were ahead in their reproduction. The spectra
l power of the delta-rhythm was significantly lower and that of the be
ta-rhythm higher in the subjects of the I than of the II group. In sub
jects of the II group total power of the beta range (beta-1 + beta-2)
was significantly less than that in the delta-range (delta-1 + delta-2
). This ratio was inverse in subjects of the I group. The described re
lationships were expressed both in the background EEG and during funct
ional loads in all the studied derivations.