Powder of the optical glass K5 has been immersed into methyl benzoate as re
fractice index matching fluid to fabricate Christiansen filters. The intern
al spectral transmittance of these filters has been investigated in the vis
ible spectral region as a function of the filter thickness, the mean diamet
er of the powder grains, and the difference between the refractive indices
of the fluid and the K5 glass.
The minimum internal spectral extinction of the filter curve is approximate
ly proportional to the thickness of the filter. Furthermore, it scales inve
rsely with the average diameter of the glass grains. Hence, one can deduce
that the minimum spectral extinction is proportional to the total interface
area between grains and immersion liquid. According to the experimental re
sults it can be concluded further that this extinction is mainly due to Ray
leigh scattering.
The halfwidth of the spectral transmission passband decreases with increasi
ng thickness of the filters and with decreasing average diameter of the gra
ins. The spectral extinction at wavelengths sufficiently far from its minim
um increases sublinearly with the filter thickness and the inverse mean dia
meter of the grains. In the same spectral region, the extinction increases
also sublinearly with the absolute difference between the refractive indice
s of the material of the grains and of the immersion liquid. Until now, a t
heory predicting all of these observations correctly seems to be still miss