Leptin is an adipocyte hormone that signals nutritional status to the centr
al nervous system (CNS) and peripheral organs. Leptin is also synthetized i
n the placenta and in gastrointestinal tract, although its role in these ti
ssues is not yet clear. Circulating concentrations of leptin exhibit pulsat
ility and circadian rhythmicity. The levels of plasma leptin vary directly
with body mass index and percentage body fat, and leptin contributes to the
regulation of body weight. Leptin plasma concentrations are also influence
d by metabolic hormones, sex, and body energy requirements. Defects in the
leptin signaling pathway result in obesity in animal models. Only a few obe
se humans have been identified with mutations in the leptin gene or in the
leptin receptor; however, most cases of obesity in humans are associated wi
th high leptin levels. Thus, in humans obesity may represent a state of lep
tin resistance. Minute-to-minute fluctuations in peripheral leptin concentr
ations influence the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian and hyp
othalamic-pituitary-adrenal axes, indicating that leptin may be a modulator
of reproduction, stress-related endocrine function, and behavior. This sug
gests potential roles for leptin or its antagonists in the diagnosis, patho
physiology and treatment of several human diseases. (C) 1998 Elsevier Scien
ce Ltd. All rights reserved.