The biogenesis of secretory granules embodies several morphological and bio
chemical changes. In particular, in neuroendocrine cells maturation of secr
etory granules is characterized by an increase in size which has been propo
sed to reflect homotypic fusion of immature secretory granules (ISGs). Here
we describe an assay that provides the first biochemical evidence for such
a fusion event and allows us to analyze its regulation. The assay reconsti
tutes homotypic fusion between one population of ISGs containing a [S-35]su
lfate-labeled substrate, secretogranin II (SgII), and a second population c
ontaining the prohormone convertase PC2. Both substrate and enzyme are targ
eted exclusively to ISGs. Fusion is measured by quantification of a cleavag
e product of SgII produced by PC2. With this assay we show that fusion only
occurs between ISGs and not between ISGs and MSGs, is temperature dependen
t, and requires ATP and GTP and cytosolic proteins, NSF (N-ethylmaleimide-s
ensitive fusion protein) is amongst the cytosolic proteins required, wherea
s we could not detect a requirement for p97. The ability to reconstitute IS
G fusion in a cell-fee assay is an important advance towards the identifica
tion of molecules involved in the maturation of secretory granules and will
increase our understanding of this process.